Newsletter service regulations

Version of the Newsletter Regulations effective as of 31/07/2024.


When in the Regulations we write:

You, yours, you, etc.-we mean the Customer

we, our, etc.- we mean the Seller, i.e. Viternalife Limited, 2 Irish Town, GX11 1AA Gibraltar.

  1. We operate a website at:
  2. Newsletter is a digital content. When you agree to receive the Newsletter, the moment you receive an email confirming your subscription, we will enter into an Agreement with you for the delivery of digital content (hereinafter: Agreement).
  3. We are entitled to take action to verify your age.
  4. Before using the Newsletter, we will provide you with our Newsletter Terms and Conditions at the very bottom of the Service. You can read it, always at the Newsletter subscription form. You can download the contents of the Newsletter Terms and Conditions at any time, save them to a media or print them out.
  5. You may use the Service, including signing up for the Newsletter service, if:
    1. you have a device that allows access to the Internet, equipped with a working operating system, such as Mac OS, Android, Windows;
    2. you have installed on this device a current version of a web browser that supports HTML5 providing access to the resources of the Internet such as Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari or another compatible web browser that supports cookies;
    3. you have an active e-mail account.
  6. We take appropriate technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure your security.
  7. You enter into a Digital Content Delivery Agreement with us, under which you make payments with data.
  8. If you do not wish to pay in this way, but still want to use the materials offered by subscribing to the Newsletter, you can purchase these materials by paying the price specified by the Administrator. If you wish to do so, please email us at:
  9. The Newsletter service, consists of directing to you and other users subscribed to the list of subscribers, commercial and marketing information, including blog articles, content of social media posts, products and services or events via e-mail communication.
  10. If you choose to subscribe to the Newsletter:
    1. We will ask you to provide your e-mail address and
    2. confirm your subscription by pressing the “Subscribe Me” button,
    3. then you will receive an email from us asking you to confirm your subscription, or to delete the email if the request was sent by mistake,
  11. If you confirm the subscription, it means that you agree to:
    1. to send you marketing and commercial information by means of electronic communication within the meaning of the Electronic Services Act.
    2. Our use of email and telephone for direct marketing purposes,
    3. transmission of commercial information in this channel of communication in accordance with the Law - Telecommunications Law.

You give these consents voluntarily. However, they are necessary to subscribe to the list of subscribers and to send the Newsletter. If you do not agree to them, we will not be able to provide the Newsletter service.

  1. You can opt out of the Newsletter service at any time and without giving any reason. To opt out send your resignation:
    1. in electronic form- use an active link for this purpose, which we always place in the footer of each message- the link is marked “I unsubscribe”.
    2. in the form of an e-mail, to the e-mail address:
    3. by letter to the postal address: Viternalife Limited, 2 Irish Town, GX11 1AA Gibraltar.
  2. When you unsubscribe from the Newsletter, our Agreement terminates.
  3. We have the right to stop providing the Newsletter service at any time. We will let you know about it, by email, to the address you provided to us.
  4. If you are a Consumer, you have the right to cancel the Contract, within 14 days of its conclusion, without giving any reason.
    If you want to cancel, write to us:
    1. letter to the address Viternalife Limited, 2 Irish Town, GX11 1AA Gibraltar.
    2. or e-mail to
  5. You may file a complaint about the Newsletter service.
    You can file a complaint;
    1. by e-mail to the address:
    2. by letter to the postal address: Viternalife Limited, 2 Irish Town, GX11 1AA Gibraltar.

In the complaint indicate your data, the subject of the complaint and the demands related to the complaint.

We will consider the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days of its submission. We will send you a response in the same form in which you addressed it to us, unless you indicate a preferred form of contact.

  1. Our materials in the Newsletter enjoy copyright protection and may also contain protected trademarks. We give you the materials solely for your own use. You may not use them otherwise, i.e. you may not copy, reproduce, fix or distribute them without our permission. If you violate our rights - you may be subject to liability.
  2. If you are a Consumer and want to amicably end a dispute that has arisen between us or recognize complaints, you can turn to:
    1. a permanent amicable consumer court with a request to resolve the dispute,
    2. the provincial inspector of the Commercial Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable termination of the dispute;
    3. a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection in order to obtain assistance on the contract;
    4. or you have the right to use the ODR platform. The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses
  3. We have included detailed information on the rules for processing personal data in the Privacy Policy.
  4. We are entitled to unilaterally amend the Newsletter Terms and Conditions to the extent not individually agreed with you for legitimate reasons, i.e., among others
    1. change of generally applicable law in the Republic of Poland,
    2. introduction of new functionalities on the Site or modification of their current scope - to the extent in which the new functionalities modify the Newsletter Regulations.

We will publish the change on the Site.

The amendment of the Newsletter Regulations does not apply to agreements concluded before the effective date of the amendment.

Before the changes to the Newsletter Regulations become effective, you may submit to us a statement that you do not accept the introduced changes - in that case it means that you resign from the Newsletter.

  1. In matters not regulated by the Newsletter Regulations we apply the provisions of Polish law.